4th European Dialect Syntax Meeting
Variation in datives: a micro-comparative perspective
Donostia/San Sebastián, June 21-23, 2010
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The European Research Network Edisyn and its Basque research group Basdisyn jointly organize the 4th European Dialect Syntax Meeting in Donostia/San Sebastián, in June 21-23, 2010, as part of the XXII European Summer Courses of the University of the Basque Country.
The network is a meeting point for linguistic research done in the area of syntactic variation in dialectal continua, and gathers researchers from all across Europe. This year, the meeting will have two parts: one containing report sessions by some of the projects operating under the network, with a special focus on doubling phenomena in syntax, and a thematic one, open to all linguists working in syntactic microvariation. The thematic session will be devoted to dative Case and agreement (see the call for papers link).
The meeting will also feature four invited speakers: Ignacio Bosque (Universidad Complutense de Madrid), Richard Kayne (University of New York), Höskuldur Thráinsson (University of Iceland) and Peter Svenonius (CASTL, University of Tromsø).
The meeting will be of much interest to syntactic researchers, graduate students, and, more in general, to all those interested in linguistic variation and linguistic theory.