Blue: variational pattern non-attested
(3a) Maulea jun da
(3b) Bortilat jun da (> bortüalat > bortialat > bortilat)
Euskaltzaindia. 1985. Euskal Gramatika: Lehen Urratsak I. Iruñea: Institución Príncipe de Viana eta Euskaltzaindia. [Reprinted in Euskaltzaindia. 1991]
Hualde, José Ignacio. 2003b. «Non-finite Forms». In José Ignacio Hualde and Jon Ortiz de Urbina (eds.), A Grammar of Basque. Berlin: Mouton de Gruyter. 196-246.
Lafitte, Pierre. 1944. Grammaire Basque (Navarro-Labourdin Littèraire). Baiona: Librairie Le Livre. [Reprinted in 1979. Donostia: Elkar]
Zuazo, Koldo. 2013. The dialects of Basque. Reno: University of Nevada.
Generalized pattern. The allative postposition is -ra.
(1) | Parisera | noa |
Paris.ALL | 1SG.ABS.go | |
‘I go to Paris.’ |
Variational pattern. Some varieties show also -rat.
(2) | Pariserat | noa |
Paris.ALL | 1SG.ABS.go | |
‘I go to Paris.’ |
Reported in: Zuberoan (Zuazo 2013: 30).(3a) Maulea jun da Maule.ALL go.PTCP (3ABS).be ‘(S)he has gone to Maule.’ (3b) Bortilat jun da (> bortüalat > bortialat > bortilat) mountain.ALL go.PTCP (3ABS).be ‘(S)he has gone to the mountain.’
Chapter: Postpositions (Locatives)
Keywords: allative, locatives, postpositions
«beaucoup d’auteurs ne voient pas de difference de sens entre les deux forms; pourtant banoa Pariserat veut dire: ‘je vais à Paris, sans retour’, et banoa Parisera: je vais à Paris, siemple aller et retour.» Lafitte (1979 [1944]: 60).
«In some of these dialects these two forms convey different semantic nuances, but other speakers use them indistinctively.» (Hualde 2003b: 185).
Euskaltzaindia. 1985. Euskal Gramatika: Lehen Urratsak I. Iruñea: Institución Príncipe de Viana eta Euskaltzaindia. [Reprinted in Euskaltzaindia. 1991]
Hualde, José Ignacio. 2003b. «Non-finite Forms». In José Ignacio Hualde and Jon Ortiz de Urbina (eds.), A Grammar of Basque. Berlin: Mouton de Gruyter. 196-246.
Lafitte, Pierre. 1944. Grammaire Basque (Navarro-Labourdin Littèraire). Baiona: Librairie Le Livre. [Reprinted in 1979. Donostia: Elkar]
Zuazo, Koldo. 2013. The dialects of Basque. Reno: University of Nevada.
ABL: ablative
ABS: absolutive
ABSERG: absolutive in Ergative Displacement context
ALL: allative
ALLO: allocutive
APPL: applicative
BN: bounded
CAUS: causative
COMP: complementizer
DAT: dative
DD: dative displacement
DEST: destinative
ED: Ergative Displacement
ERG: ergative
FAM: familiar
F: feminine
GEN: genitive
IPFV: imperfective
INE: inessive
INS: instrumental
M: masculine
MOD: mood
NMLZ: nominalizer
NONFAM: non-familiar (2nd person)
NP: noun phrase
PTCP: participle
PST: past
PL: plural
POST: postposition
PROG: progressive
PROS: prospective
PRTV: partitive
REL: relational postposition
RES: resultative
SG: singular
SOC: sociative
TERM: terminative
UNBN : unbounded