Urdina: hizkera eredua ez da lekukotzen
Albizu, Pablo. 1997. «Generalized Person Case Constraint: A case for a syntax-driven inflectional morphology». In Myriam Uribe-Etxebarria and Amaia Mendikoetxea (eds.), Theoretical issues on the morphology-syntax interface. [Supplements of the International Journal of Basque Lingustics and Philology (ASJU) XL]. Donostia: UPV/EHU. 1-33.
Arregi, Karlos and Andrew Nevins. 2012. Morphotactics: Basque auxiliaries and the structure of Spellout. Dordrecht: Springer.
Bonet, Eulalia. 1991. Morphology after Syntax: Pronominal clitics in Romance. Ph.D. Diss., MIT.
Haspelmath, Martin. 2004. Explaining the Ditransitive Person-Role Constraint: a usage based approach, Constructions 2. (Open-access journal at the Heinrich Heine University of Düsseldorf.).
Laka, Itziar. 1993a. «The Structure of Inflection: a Case Study in X° Syntax». In José Ignacio Hualde and Jon Ortiz de Urbina (eds.), Generative Studies in Basque Linguistics. Current Issues in Linguistic Theory. John Benjamins Publishing Company. 21-70.
Rezac, Mian. 2009. «Person restrictions in Basque intransitives». Lapurdum 13. 305-322.
Rezac, Milan. 2008. «The syntax of eccentric agreement». NLLT 26: 61-106.
Rezac, Milan. 2016. «Gaps and stopgaps in Basque finite verb agreement». In Beatriz Fernández and Jon Ortiz de Urbina (eds.), Microparameters in the grammar of Basque. Amsterdam/Philadelphia: John Benjamins. 139-192.
Bestelako deiturak: Pertsona-Kasuaren Muga
Eredu orokorra. Datibo klitikorik egonez gero, ezin daiteke 1. eta 2. pertsonako absolutibo klitikorik agertu forma ditrantsitiboetan.
(1) | *Zuk | ni | harakinari | saldu | naiozu |
zu.ERG | ni.ABS | harakina.DAT | sal.PTCP | 1SG.ABS.edun.1SG.DAT.2ERG (Laka 1993) |
Hizkera eredua: Murriztapenak iragangaitz datibodunei eragiten ez dien arren, ez analitikoei ez sintetikoei, arraroak dira klitiko datiboa eta 1. edo 2. pertsonako klitiko absolutiboa dituzten forma analitikoak.
(2) | Ni | zuri | etorri | natzaizu |
ni.ABS | zu.DAT | etor.PTCP | 1SG.ABS.izan.2DAT |
Kapitulua: Kasu eta komunztadura
Gako-hitzak: datiboak, kasua, komunztadura/klitikoak, Me-lui murriztapena, Pertsona-Kasuaren Muga
Albizu (1997), Arregi and Nevins (2012), Bonet (1991), Haspelmath (2004), Laka (1993a), Rezac (2008, 2009, 2016)
Albizu, Pablo. 1997. «Generalized Person Case Constraint: A case for a syntax-driven inflectional morphology». In Myriam Uribe-Etxebarria and Amaia Mendikoetxea (eds.), Theoretical issues on the morphology-syntax interface. [Supplements of the International Journal of Basque Lingustics and Philology (ASJU) XL]. Donostia: UPV/EHU. 1-33.
Arregi, Karlos and Andrew Nevins. 2012. Morphotactics: Basque auxiliaries and the structure of Spellout. Dordrecht: Springer.
Bonet, Eulalia. 1991. Morphology after Syntax: Pronominal clitics in Romance. Ph.D. Diss., MIT.
Haspelmath, Martin. 2004. Explaining the Ditransitive Person-Role Constraint: a usage based approach, Constructions 2. (Open-access journal at the Heinrich Heine University of Düsseldorf.).
Laka, Itziar. 1993a. «The Structure of Inflection: a Case Study in X° Syntax». In José Ignacio Hualde and Jon Ortiz de Urbina (eds.), Generative Studies in Basque Linguistics. Current Issues in Linguistic Theory. John Benjamins Publishing Company. 21-70.
Rezac, Mian. 2009. «Person restrictions in Basque intransitives». Lapurdum 13. 305-322.
Rezac, Milan. 2008. «The syntax of eccentric agreement». NLLT 26: 61-106.
Rezac, Milan. 2016. «Gaps and stopgaps in Basque finite verb agreement». In Beatriz Fernández and Jon Ortiz de Urbina (eds.), Microparameters in the grammar of Basque. Amsterdam/Philadelphia: John Benjamins. 139-192.
ABL: ablatiboa
ABS: absolutiboa
ABSERG: absolutiboa Ergatiboaren Lekualdatzearen testuinguruan
ALL: adlatiboa
ALLO: alokutiboa
APPL: aplikatiboa
BN: mugatua
CAUS: arazlea
COMP: konplementatzailea
DAT: datiboa
DD: datiboaren lekualdatzea
DEST: destinatiboa
ED: Ergatiboaren Lekualdatzea
ERG: ergatiboa
FAM: familiartekoa
F: femeninoa
GEN: genitiboa
IPFV: burutugabea
INE: inesiboa
INS: instrumentala
M: maskulinoa
MOD: modua
NMLZ: nominalizatzailea
NONFAM: ez-familiartekoa (2. pertsona)
NP: izen sintagma
PTCP: partizipioa
PST: lehenaldia
PL: plurala
POST: postposizioa
PROG: progresiboa
PROS: prospektiboa
PRTV: partitiboa
REL: erlaziozko postposizioa
RES: erresultatiboa
SG: singularra
SOC: soziatiboa
TERM: muga-adlatiboa
UNBN: mugagabea