On Basque

» Grammar

A Brief Grammar of Basque (Laka)

Basque Grammar Online (SEG)

EGLU (Royal Academy of the Basque Language)

Euskal Gramatika: Egiturak eta Osagaiak EGEO (Goenaga, (ed.) Fernandez)

Basque at SSWL

Basque at WALS

» Dialects and atlases


Euskalkiak (Zuazo)


Bonaparte’s Archives (Deusto University)

Morfologia del verbo vasco (Irizar)

Atlas of the Basque Local Varieties (Royal Academy of the Basque Language)

Anthology of the Oral Varieties of Basque (Royal Academy of the Basque Language)

Basque varieties and oral heritage (Ahotsak.com)

Media Library of Navarrese Basque (Euskarabidea)

» Dictionaries

Diccionario General Vasco (OEH) (Mitxelena & Sarasola, Royal Academy of the Basque Language)

Dictionary of Contemporary Basque (EEH) (Sarasola)

Zehazki (Sarasola)

Nola Erran (Oihartzabal)

Dictionaries (Elhuyar)

Dictionaries built using pivot techniques (Elhuyar)

Encyclopedic Dictionary of Science and Technology (Elhuyar)

» Corpora and tools

Corpus of Contemporary Basque (Sarasola, Salaburu & Landa)

Contemporary Reference Prose (Sarasola, Salaburu & Landa)

Observatory of the Lexicon (Royal Academy of the Basque Language)

Corpus of Basque texts in the net –Corpeus– (Elhuyar)

Statistical Corpus of XXth Century’s Basque (UZEI & Royal Academy of the Basque Language)

Depository of Classics (Armiarma)

» Open access to materials

Artxiker (CNRS-IKER UMR 5478)

» Institutions